Students are actively involved in a range of forums across Reception – Year 6. Students vote for their 2 School Leaders at the end of each year. 4 House Leaders in each house are voted for in the beginning of each year. As well students have regular class meetings and are able to nominate themselves to our Student Representative Council. Students are involved in decision making in grounds and facilities, dress code, fundraising including supporting charities and special events.
We have a Wellbeing Leader and Wellbeing Teacher on site as well as a Pastoral Care worker. They work from our Wellbeing Centre where we offer sensory diet stations and emotional regulation strategies.
Youth United - Open Door Goolwa Uniting Church, Tuesdays 4-6.30pm, 8555 2589.
Food Bank Mobile Food Hub Victor Harbor - contact our Pastoral Care Worker for referral vouchers.
Women’s Information Service - The Haven Goolwa, Goolwa Library, 0499 407 237.
Parent involvement is strongly encouraged. Parents provide support in learning programs across the school, undertaking activities including listening to reading, small group reading in the early years, hands-on support for various practical activities in the Early Years as well as accompanying classes on excursions and camps. Parents can be involved in school decision-making through serving on Governing Council or as part of our very active Parent Network group. All parents in these roles need to participate in a volunteers induction workshop as well as obtain a screening clearance through the Department of Communities and Social Inclusion. Further information is available from the front office.
Australian Curriculum
The curriculum describes a learning entitlement for all students and includes the core knowledge, understanding, skills and capabilities students should learn as they progress through school. At Goolwa Primary School the class teacher covers most of the curriculum areas with specialist teachers taking other areas including Science, The Arts, Health & PE and Indonesian. Further information regarding learning programs is distributed via regular class newsletters.
At Goolwa Primary School we pride ourselves on providing our students with a strong foundation in literacy through the use of explicit instruction and evidence-base practices. Students in Reception to Year 2 develop their phonics skills (connection between letters and sounds), vocabulary and oral language through the InitiaLit program. In Year 3-6 students receive explicit instruction in spelling, morphology, fluency and comprehension. For those requiring additional support, specialised interventions such as MiniLit and MacqLit provide targeted assistance. All students receive a minimum of 300 minutes of instruction in English according to DfE requirements.
The school has a belief in teaching mathematics for understanding and in supporting students to become confident in numeracy. Class teachers ensure that programs are consistent across year levels and developmental in nature. There is a strong emphasis on using a range of problem solving strategies. All students receive at least 300 minutes of instruction in mathematics in accordance with DfE requirements.
SpecialIst Subjects
Students participate in weekly lessons in Indonesian, Science, The Arts, and PE with Specialist teachers.
Inclusive Education and Support
A quality classroom program provides the number one support for all students. The school monitors student progress, achievement, attendance and behaviour using a wide range of data. Some students participate in additional researched-based targeted programs, in English ie MiniLit Sage, MacqLit, Speech Articulation Programs and Maths and social / emotional development in small groups or individually. The school works in collaboration with other professionals and families in supporting identified students with disabilities and learning difficulties through the One Plan process.
We have an AIT one day a week. Their role is to focus on strengthening our school community’s inclusion of students on the austism spectrum. The Department for Education provides an Autism Inclusion Multidisciplinary (AIM) team to support the AIT role. The team includes senior advisors educators, developmental educator, psychologist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist and an Aboriginal Cultural Project Officer. The information from the AIM team is evidence-based and informed by the autistic and autism community.
Extra-Curricula Activities
Student development is encouraged through a number of opportunities. These include:
SAPSASA Sport - swimming, cross-country, athletics, and various knockout team sports such as football, netball, basketball
After School Surfing
Instrumental Music
Festival of Music Choir
Behaviour Code
The school values guide all our actions and students are expected to demonstrate behaviours that align with these values. We support students through safe, orderly and productive classroom environments and a range of engaging options for break times. Management of unhelpful or unacceptable behaviour choices in either the classroom or the yard accords with clear processes and restorative principles. A student friendly Anti-Bullying Policy supports positive relationships.
All students are expected to wear correct school uniform and appropriate footwear. This creates a positive image for the school and a sense of pride and belonging for students. School colours are black or teal blue for tops and black bottoms (shorts, skirts and pants). Shoes should be either neutral or as plain as possible. Hats are expected for all outside activities during terms 1, 3 & 4. Clothing is able to be purchased through the Uniform Shop.
The vast majority of students either walk to school or our dropped off by family and friends. Students who live in either Currency Creek or Hindmarsh Island areas may be eligible to catch a bus. These buses are managed by the Goolwa Secondary College.